Warmer Days Coming

In the homeless communities the spring time is a time for everyone to be happy. The warmer days that are coming up signal a good time, and not just for partying like many think, but because they mean safety. Well, safety from some things, okay so you got a slightly lower chance of freezing to death outside at night for now! It will still be cold for a bit but at least the days are longer and we don't have to bundle up as much so movement is a little easier and people tend to be a bit nicer.

One of the things I see often though is the attitude toward street people during this time from the community at large tends to sour. Seems to go against what I just said right? Let me explain. While people may be a little nicer, maybe they smile a little more, maybe they don't call the cops as much on us, maybe they even give a little change to panhandlers, it doesn't last long. Nice weather means construction work. They expect everyone to work and work hard! Honestly, they are right too.

Some of us are in no shape to work, some of us don't have documents or transportation, the list goes on and on. I should say this, I believe every person who can work, should work. A person should be able to support themselves as much as possible. Most of us know the system is fucked up and many people need help but we should still take care of ourselves and our own as best we can. Hold a job, sell art, perform, just provide a service to your community. 

That niceness will dry up fast, especially for men under the age of 50. We don't get sympathy. Hell, stores like this can be started for less than $10, many times for $0! hit me up on the contact us form near the bottom of the page if I can help! I just want everyone to have a good life, whatever that life may look like.

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