I love fantasy movies that have the epic battles in them, hell I guess most little boys do, and probably half of the little girls do as well. Before every breaking of a siege, or storming the gates, or that last shot to snatch victory from defeat, the one where the heroes charge into the tide of monsters with screams of "INTO THE BREACH!!!", those get my blood pumping just thinking about it! And before each battle what happens? Someone arms our heroes with just the weapons they will need. Well, I don't have a magical sword, or an ancient dwarven battle axe, but I got a list with bullet points! "STOP THE DOWNLOAD!!! DON'T CLICK THE LINK!!! FOR THE USER!!!!"
I believe we need battle cries for what I'm going to tell you. These are more horrible than any death in a movie, there is no glory, no great cause, but there is an unstoppable foe that will kill everything it can until we find a way to stop it. Every six minutes another person falls victim to fentanyl, just fentanyl, add in all the others and well.....let's not for now. Right now some mothers baby boy or girl is choking to death on there own vomit somewhere and no one knows what to do because they are 15 and it was supposed to be a regular pain pill, it was their first one at that. Or what about the guy who has been going hard for 20 years? He tells his girl to wait in the car, he's going to run to the bathroom at the gas station, he doesn't want someone to see him, she is going to wait a long time because he will never come back out. Or the soccer mom whose pain pills don't work anymore so she gets her cousin maybe to score for her, she just sniffs it doesn't shoot it because she isn't a junkie. She's dead in her van when her daughter comes to the car after school, she never even got her seat belt off.
While I've been typing this 2 or 3 more......this has to stop. And it won't until we realize that this is a WAR. There are people in this world who sell this not because they are addicts but because they are greedy or hate those they sell to or don't want to work, all dealers are not addicts, even if they were it doesn't excuse it, I deserved every day of the almost 9 years I served. I didn't kill anyone, no one overdosed on my pills that I know of, but, and this still hurts to say, I am the reason quite a few people picked up drugs, I am the reason some picked up hard drugs, I am the reason some people decided to shoot up and.........I HAVE PUT THE NEEDLE INTO PEOPLES ARM FOR THE FIRST TIME OR CONVINCED THEM TO DO IT AGAIN!! That hurts me badly to say today and I pray that that pain never goes away. I deserve it, every bit of it. More importantly, if I have it then I believe it may arm me to fight against it every day......I hope. I cannot take back what is done, but I will fight against it with all I have until my last breath.
I told you I would give you weapons. Here they are:
- NA Meetings
- SAFE Project MAT Explained
- SAMHSA Find Suboxone Near You
- Fentanyl Facts
- Where to Buy Narcan
- Free Narcan
- What is Narcan
This is just the beginning. Please use Google, there is a sea of information available out there. Email me if you need help, you can use the contact us form right here at the store. Don't give up, there is plenty of help available out there.