Never Say Never

I've been homeless on and off 20 years now, *ouch*. When I say it like that it does sting a little bit. I first hit the streets somewhere around 18 years old. Since then it's been a whirlwind of addiction, struggle, jail, prison, rehab, mental health issues, violence, and all of the other things that I didn't mention but that come with that territory. I've fought and struggled so much during that span of years, so stretches of time were better than others, sometimes I had a roof over my head, sometimes I had a job, sometimes I had money, and some of those times I still had family by my side. Time marches on though and things never get easier as time ticks by.

One thing that's been constant in my life is I've always been a nerd. Even in all the chaos of those years I managed to game, study, learn and pursue whatever interested me. Well finances, math and computer science have always been some of my favorites which led me idea. An idea to both get me off the street and hopefully help others as well. This site, this blog, this store is the beginning of all of that. Before I say anything else, thanks for being here and being a part of it. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

This store, which sells items inspired by my time on the streets or by others I have met on the streets is going to be a vehicle for  change I hope. The first hobo symbol I've decided to work with is one for marking a "safe camp", or in my mind a little piece of home out in a dark world. These clothes and items I hope will raise awareness to a huge problem that is worsening and some of the profits and any donations we receive will go to those who need it. As time goes on more items will be introduced and more services will hopefully be offered. This blog is going to be just one of the locations where you will be able to check for news about things coming on horizon.

I've been through a lot in life and am just now getting to the point where change is getting easier for me. Many others like me say the same. If someone you know is struggling. don't give up on them, it can take time. In the end, it's worth it though. So head on over to the store and check out our line up of gear, grab you safe camp hat or tee shirt and until we see each other again, stay warm friends.


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